Monday, March 10, 2025

America Should Transition to South Europe

American troops, come to Italy, I make you nice lasagna.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is not going to label President Donald Trump as a Zionist front man nor any other label, for the reality that I know what is going on, in we were all dead in America just one year ago as our future, and with the mission of this President, we now have a chance to not be wiped out, as there is another agenda at work, as one was at work with President Ronald Reagan, for which he is being smeared for, and had no part of.

I choose to look at the facts of President Trump. Months ago Tel Aviv was in mass holocaust and we had a nuclear war with Russia on two fronts. Now President Trump has President Putin of Russia, as mediator with Iran, knowing what President Trump stated, he would rather have a paper treaty with Iran than bombing Iran. Yes that means to keep Tel Aviv from starting a world war, the United States is now on the hook with Iran, but I trust President Trump as the guy with the finger on the trigger in this along with President Putin, rather than the people in Tel Aviv.

In short, we are getting benefits this time. It is not cookies thrown to us, but it is legitimate benefits. I know that this will all be turned against us as it was with President Ronald Reagan when he left office with Bushite globalism, but I believe Prophecy and know there is a chance that Jesus comes back, and He solves this. I also know  that I have chances in a Wormwood hitting that will obliterate the Computerstate control. there is time and there is a reality of a reawakened America which indeed might be organized enough to fight this and not cower as the FBI is being emancipated from being a thug agency.

So I'm not going to bitch about the benefits as I see chances and opportunity when we had none.

I desire to address more on the other side. Meet you there.

Zionist Frontman Trump - 'Everybody Should Get Rid
Of Their Nuclear Weapons' - (Everyone But The Jews
JFK Tried To Prevent Them From Getting Nukes...RIP

Furious Russia condemns European 'threat’
and compares Macron to Hitler and Napoleon
after EU agrees massive war chest to rearm
and France offers to protect continent with
Its nuclear Weapons

Trump Envoy Jokes About Trump's Campaign
Promise to End Ukraine War 'Within 24 Hours'

China Joining Russia Against NATO

Trump - If NATO Countries Don't Pay Fair Share
US Won't Defend Them

Trump considers moving 35,000 US troops
from Germany to Eastern Europe

The five countries quietly stockpiling nukes
amid fears of WW3

Large Scale Military Training For Every
Adult Male In Poland - Turner

Poland to seek access to nuclear weapons

EU Holds Emergency Summit to Threaten Russia,
Sabotage Trump Peace Efforts


If you notice, there is allot of nuclear proliferation taking place and Russophobic hysteria. At the moment, Russia is not including America in this war in Europe. I agree that troops should be pulled from Germany, ALL OF THEM and every nation which is Russophobic now.
What I would offer to the Trump Team as Poland is lusting to glow in the dark, for the United States to define as policy from this point on in Nuclear Nations and Non Nuclear Nations. This is important as America does not want troops on soil which are nuclear targets from Russia and China.

Call them the Aligned Non Nuclear States of Europe, and make it a point that the United States removes itself from Easter Europe. All of this started when Sec. State James Baker promised the Kremlin that America would not advance NATO east if the Soviets got out of East Germany. That is why Russia is upset as they are vulnerable. It is not prudent to have American troops in Eastern Europe as a trip wire as London will make America a target and so will Ukraine in killing Americans and blaming Russia.
The Lame Cherry offers instead that the United States gets out of NORTHERN EUROPE, and  transfers it's forces on  what would be deemed Non NATO  to the South. Italy and Greece should be a base hub, with military missions in Serbia  and Hungary, with the understanding of Russia that this zone if they would agree would include Romania and Bulgaria as a BUFFER for the nuclear states of Europe to keep the two sides away from each other.

I do not like this solution even, but the focus should be moving American troops to Italy and Greece and not be in the line of fire of anyone. America should work for an understanding with Russia that as long as Russia stays out of eastern Europe, American will too, and when the intrigue of London and Paris attack Russia, then Moscow bombs western Europe into submission as they are the problem, not the idiot Slavs in the east who only act up from goading from Paris and London.

I would reach the same accords with Russia in the Mideast, and make China agree to hands off. America should have a base structure like before Gulf War I, where the Saudi's had a huge military base built, in case of trouble, but America had only stockpiles there. As I always say, you can't get into a war, if you are not there to fight. Same in Europe and same in the Mideast.

I do not focus on China as that is water as China has been baited like idiots to be out in the ocean where they are vulnerable like Imperial Japan was. Peking are fools and are no real threat to the United States. China starts advancing and Japan will assemble it's nuclear warheads and spread them all over the Pacific Rim and that handles China. If China strikes American metro's, no problem for me as I do not live there.

I'm all for President  Trump rolling back China at the Panama Canal. Less flashpoints in the Monroe Doctrines sphere the better. I do not want war with anyone. I know China is dying. It has no resources and it's population is a dead weight. Russia is facing the same eclipse of it's zenith and that is why Mr. Putin is herding the Russians back to his protective sphere. I hope President Trump starts advancing the Saxon Americans, and that means training these critters up north knee bending to King Chuck into being Americans.

Time is on America's side as it is on Russia's side. It will take some time for Europe to collapse from socialist insanity and breed back a hardy race of Saxons.

President Trump in this jumble needs to get America out of harms way as harmful events are coming. There will be a German led axis which must form. Let them become the target and the United States can prosper in peace. America needs a manufacturing base and our best bloodsucking agent to the world economy is the e coin, joined with building thorium plants for electricity which America rents to the world for profit. The industrial nation rapists just have to be slapped upside the head and told to think a new way, that instead of Frank Roosevelt destroying everything, we are instead Yankee traders profiting in peace.

So I pray President Trump is successful in his mission. If being a Zionist gets the Jews off his back, then so be it, as he kept a war with Iran taking place already and is backing America out of Ukraine, and this will all happen, as long as Russia does not flex and think it can obtain an advantage. Russia's advantage is America not being in the way, and America gets out of the way by going South, not East into Europe.

Nuff Said


The 30 pieces


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I guess it comes down to a matter of if you have President Viktor Orban of Hungary saying something, Vladimir Zellinskyy saying something and Ben Stiller or Sean Penn denying something........who would you believe?
President Orban is the only one in the bunch who has proven honest consistently.

What this is about is the USAID money looted from Americans for decades.  Charges had surfaced, and were denied by Hollywood left celebrities, being paid millions of dollars to make photo ops with the dwarf of Kiev.

Ben Stiller has stated that his trip to Ukraine was "self funded".

I was unaware that Ben Stiller was dwarf size too in a Jew package like Vladimir Zellinskyy.

 It appears that the dwarf had a preference for dwarfish size actors.

Tom Cruise meets Ukraine's president caught in U.S. impeachment ...

Oct 1, 2019 ... At the meeting, the Ukrainian leader shook Cruise's hand, pointing out that he was "good-looking," to which Cruise replied, "It pays the rent."

Tom Cruise Picked a Hell of a Week to Meet the President of Ukraine

Oct 1, 2019 ... Tom Cruise recently met Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, reportedly to discuss locations for an upcoming film project.

For Tom Cruise the story was a bit different in a quip about his looks paying the rent, but then there was the reason for Cruise being in Ukraine..........for a film. Just what kind of funding was going on at USAID, is that where these crappy leftist movies were getting funds, from the government to make anti American films?

The Hollywood stars’ trips to Kiev were funded via the US foreign aid system, the Hungarian Prime Minister has claimed

The Hollywood celebrities – like Angelina Jolie (Left) – who visited Ukraine to ‘support’ the country during its ongoing conflict with Russia didn’t do it out of sympathy, but because they were paid millions, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has said.

Stars’ trips to Kiev were paid for with money from USAID, Washington’s primary mechanism for funding political projects abroad, Orban said in an interview with Hungarian broadcaster TV2 on Saturday.


‘People were given money for their opinions. I am talking about big celebrities and movie stars. They were given money to go to Ukraine, so they did not do it from the heart or out of sympathy for the Ukrainians – which could have actually been the case – but because they were given money,’ he said.


The payments received by the stars amounted to ’millions of euros or dollars,’ the prime minister claimed, without providing any names.

Angelina Jolie, Sean Penn, Ben Stiller and Orlando Bloom were among the most prominent Western celebrities to have visited Ukraine since the escalation of the conflict between Moscow and Kiev three years ago.


In early February, reports emerged on social media claiming that Jolie had received $20 million for her trip to Lviv in April 2022, and that Penn, Stiller and Bloom were written checks of $5 million, $4 million and $8 million, respectively, by USAID.

Back then, Stiller rejected the accusations, calling them ’lies coming from Russian media.’ The actor insisted in a post on X that his visit to Kiev was ’self-funded.’ 

Penn’s lawyer also said that reports of his client being paid by USAID to meet with Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky were ’completely false, misleading and reckless.’

No matter what Hollywood celebrities deny, there is a history of this that we witnessed recently with Kamala Harris, paying celebrities millions of dollars to appear with her or to interview her on Oprah. It is a matter of "self funding" making one wonder was the money from USAID in cash on a table or funding previously in a horrid Stiller movie? Are the denials something like, "It was not USAID", and then you find out, it was Madame Zellinskyy's personal foundation in Kiev, where the money came from........originally from USAID or selling US weapons to Mexican drug cartels for Zellinskyy things.

What is certain is that the fact checkers, who it is reported is funded by USAID, jumped on this story as a priority to deny any of this has happened....and there were pile of celebrities having private meetings with the dwarf.

We know a sophisticated propaganda machine was at work in Ukraine. It was connected to Hillary Clinton in her presidential coughing spree in the Crowdstrike realities. In the first border clash between Ukraine and Russia years ago, there was not one story or celebrity involved, after Ukraine got the stuffing kicked out of it, the first time they tried genocide. In the NATO build up of the Maginot Line in Ukraine to destroy Russia though, things had changed. We had the bizarre stories of The Ghost of Kiev, shooting down Russian planes by the was all a lie. Ukraine was moving to ethnic cleanse the Donbass of Russian ethnics, and Russia struck to protect them. This was all planned by Kiev and NATO. Angela Merkel confessed the Munich Accords were only to delay Russia so this defensive line would be built. The propaganda machine was turned loose, someone was funding it, and the reality is that all these leftist celebrities have not shown up in the holocaust in Gaza, or in Chad, or anywhere else. The birds of a feather all flocked to Ukraine, because someone made it a cocktail crowd thing to do. No one is explaining who this coordinator was in all these celebrities all got the same idea to show up in Kiev for a cuddle with the dwarf of Kiev..........David Letterman ignoring the Nazi connections of Zellinskyy and the ethnic cleansing of Russians, because this was coordinated Russophobia propaganda, just like the Kamala Harris campaign for President.

That is the answer which no one is giving in who set this all up, and yes Zellinskyy came into power by Victoria Nuland for the Obama Inc. So that is District of Crooks funding from the start of this with an out of control US Embassy in Kiev, that appeared to give evidence to impeach President Donald Trump. Rupert Murdoch of the Brits ran his own London propaganda to sway Republicans for war with Russia, but the Republicans rejected it all. That was the turning point in this, in loyal Americans not going rabid, and you will notice that no moral celebrities like Mel Gibson ever were suckered to show up in Ukraine.

How Europe's Film Industry Is Backing Ukraine in the Culture War

Sep 1, 2022 ... European producers, festivals and funding bodies are throwing their support behind Ukrainian directors trying to tell Ukrainian stories.

Ukraine offers Hollywood bosses tax breaks to film movies in country

May 15, 2024 ... A Ukrainian team is using the Cannes Film Festival to promote their country to the some of the most powerful executives in world cinema who have ...

Doing a bit of surfing, I came up why Sean Penn was in Ukraine. No explanations in where the money or idea came from, for a docudrama about the dwarf of Kiev, but like Christophobe Rob Reiner doing Biden propaganda, the message is being generated and is clear.

The war in Ukraine has taken center stage this week at the Berlin Film Festival, which is taking place for the first time since Russia’s full-scale invasion last year.

At Thursday’s opening ceremony, Ukrainian president Volodomyr Zelenskyy appeared via satellite to encourage festival-goers “not to remain silent” over Russia’s unprovoked war of aggression. Sean Penn, who this week premiered his docu-portrait of the Ukrainian leader, “Superpower,” lashed out at Russian strongman Vladimir Putin, who he described as a “war criminal” and a “creepy little bully.”

In the Penn segment of this, it only becomes more murky as Penn with others are listed as producers, but this came out of VICE, a Canadian company which was going bankrupt in producing leftist HBO content.

In August 2019, it was reported that the company was laying off staff as part of a shift towards news that would involve merging Viceland and Vice News. In April 2023, it was announced that Vice Media was restructuring and downsizing its news division. A month later, Vice filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and agreed to be acquired by a consortium led by Fortress Investment Group for $350 million in June.

In February 2024, CEO Bruce Dixon announced additional layoffs and that would cease publishing content.

The old adage of following the money is impossible in this Ukrainefest, as one can not find the money in the first place. The only thing definite in this was Penn gave the dwarf one of his Oscars which Penn deemed silly.

The bedrock of all of this propaganda is the certainty that globalist powers set up Ukraine to become the murder zone of Russia kill Russia. The assorted Western militaries all dumped their outdated weapons into Ukraine and huge profits were turned. Other European regimes were getting what appears US money to build weapon's plants inside of Ukraine for an endless war against Russia. Whatever Ben Still was self funding, his propaganda pose achieved 1 million Slavic Christians dead in this war and billions of dollars which have vanished to those who set this money laundering scam up, and it all tracks back to the hedgefunds with full Bidencon support.

So celebrities do deny what the story is, but they have not explained who whispered in their ear these projects in the funding and who sent them to Ukraine to prop up this genocidal dwarf who just tried to sell the United States rare earth minerals.......but Zellinskyy had already sold them to England 3 days before Donald Trump was inaugurated.

As no one is coming clean about any of this, and the USAID fact checkers jumped on this story to cover it up, that leaves one conclusion in there is something very wrong in all of this propaganda machine which these celebrities joined at the hip with.

Here is a little hint in this which Sean Penn did not come forward with on his project with VICE.

OwnersFortress Investment GroupSoros Fund Management, & Monroe Capital. )[7]

Yes, the dirty money, to mass murder Ukrainians to break up Russia so the nation rapists could suck the last drop of blood out of Russia.  Following the money may not exist, but following the ownership does yield results in this macabre blood libel.

Soros initiated a propaganda film before the war, as he knew the war was going to be sprung, and just in time for a Sean Penn docudrama.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said


The Truth Must Be Made Public


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reports magnifying the facts that Thomas Crooks who is the blamed shooter at Butler PA had people working with him, is a reality which for the safety of all Government officials, must be made known in what the FBI covered up and has not released yet to the public.

We know a white van was towed away by law enforcement. The owner has disappeared. That owner was in a business which was shipping CIA weapons to South America. That owner was known to have been a MERC in Zellinskyy's Ukraine genocide of Russians.

The Lame Cherry has speculated that this is the person who was dead on the roof and was stated to be Thomas Crooks.

We know that law enforcement on scene had problems locating "Crooks" that he seemed to appear and disappear as two people. In the vender lane, he was recorded and yet he was reported by the buildings where the sniping took place at the same time.

So yes there were others involved.

Recent investigations suggest that Crooks may not have acted alone, and concerns have been raised about the FBI’s handling of the case.

Private investigator Doug Hagmann, who has been examining the incident, believes Crooks had accomplices.

Hagmann’s team conducted a geofencing analysis of electronic devices present at the rally, identifying several devices that did not belong to attendees or known personnel.

This data suggests the presence of individuals who may have been coordinating with Crooks.

Hagmann stated, “The digital footprints indicate a level of coordination that Crooks couldn’t have managed alone.”

Despite these findings, the FBI has been criticized for its limited disclosure of information related to the case.

What the Lame Cherry is nauseated by is this all seems to be like 9 11, in compartmentalized law enforcement playing gotcha and budget numbers, like with the numbers of Islamic terrorists at large in America, who are monitored, but kept on a leash as monitoring them gives people jobs, but when they get loose as on 9 11 or in Thomas Crooks case, very bad things happen.

It is evident by the phone tracked to an FBI office location in DC Chinatown, that someone in the FBI was running some kind of sting, like Eric Holder was running on North Korea in the Boston Bombing, but the North Koreans outwitted Holder, who had to frame some Chechens to cover up the disaster. That is what this all indicates in the FBI and other groups knew far too much about Butler and someone who knew like with JFK that they could get away with things, set loose an operation, and the FBI leadership shit tacks when they found out that the shooter was being paid by the FBI, along with these other assets on location.

ex Director Christopher Wray was absolutely head up the ass, not a legal term, but when he kept repeating the talking point that Candidate Trump was not struck by a bullet when everyone knew it was, exposed him as being part of a major cover up which he knew what had taken place. When the FBI Deputy the next day refuted Wray in stating that the FBI knew it was a bullet, it was an eye rolling part of a continuous Robert Mueller and John Ashcroft group who were on the heals of Hillary Clinton burning up kids in Waco, bombs going off in OKC which were missiles in the basement, shooting Vickie Weaver in her home holding a baby, which became the Obama trolls posting for the mass murder of the Bundy People which ended up in an FBI team starting a shooting spree which got LaVoy Finnicum murdered. The death count continues on in the murder of Ashli Babbitt set up by her handlers. Roseanne Boyland murdered by police at the US Capitol. This was all OUTLAW USA and continues on. We have law enforcement in America on the federal level who market violence to get budgets, raises and power in keeping these criminals at large to farm them. In the worst scandals of America, it erupts as in Butler PA and then this entire criminal enterprise goes into protective mode and nothing happens again in another cover up as people retire with fat retirement benefits and Americans rot in the grave.

It appears that China was being set up by Bidencon to take the fall for Butler. Remember the New York Post reported a dead Chinese shooter on a roof which all disappeared from Mockingbird pressure from the regime. Other bad actors with an agenda sent in their own teams and the FBI ended up washing away the evidence and burning up bodies, because the nation would have erupted again if the Truth came out that the FBI was shepherding an operation which SHOULD HAVE BEEN SHUT DOWN IMMEDIATELY when a person running for the presidency was the target, but it was left to manifest as allot of this FBI of Obama did not want a Donald Trump back in office. That is what this appears to have been the case in the FBI had another "oh shit" moment as the evidence disappeared and apparently people in Congress were told to shut up and not talk about things anymore.

So we have silence and this Goddamned lawlessness is still there in operations shepherding some big name crime for promotions and budget increases, and another one will lose track of their terrorists or have the deep state piggyback onto an event and something really bad will happen again, throwing America into upheaval again.

America is ready for the President to invoke the Insurrection Act. America is ready for the Government to release the reports in who was doing what and for those stooges to be brought to court.

It is time.

Nuff Said



Maple Leaf Pravda


The non elected globalist banking Dictator of Canada.

 120th governor of the Bank of England from 2013 to 2020.

King Charles is going to have me pull the head off of Canada, like a chicken,
let it be bathed in it's own financial bloodbath, pluck off all the resources, 
and fry Canadians up in the pan, for finger lickin' good globalism eh.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Below in quotes you will read of the hatred of President Donald Trump, Americans and America, being generated in Canada. It is worse than Tehran and Pyongyang combined on a rabid day.

The reality is that Castro Trudeau fled to London to meet with King Charles where a plot appears to have been hatched to have MI6 and French intelligence steer Canada into a break up. The Quebecious being the children they are, are already demanding to be part of Europe in joining Quebec to France.

Of course the rest of Canada is going to be more joined in the Paris London scheme and the reality follows.

You remember Macron of France stating that Europe would be placed under the French nuclear weapon umbrella? There is more to this than Paris putting itself into jeopardy as Macron and France have zero intention of putting themselves into the nuclear crosshairs.

France is considering extending its nuclear umbrella to Europe. But ...

4 days ago ... With a Vladimir Putin-led Russia posing an increasing threat to the continent's security, Macron said he would open talks with European allies ...

What this is about is Paris and London placing their nuclear arsenals inside their new extension in the New World in NUCLEAR COLONIALISM.

Paris and London, both plan to place weapons into English Canada and French Quebec to begin firing at Russia. How do you feel about nuclear weapon exchanges occurring on the American border in the north?

The French and English, have been fucking around against America in Ukraine, fucking around in Gaza against America and now they are fucking around in Canada against America, and this time they are bringing the nuclear world war into North America, because they could not sucker President Trump to fighting Russia, but they sure suckers those fumducker Canadian English and Quebecios.

You can read the intrigue which is in the below reporting which the Lame Cherry quotes from on the ground It is imperative that President Donald Trump sign an Executive Order to enforce the Monroe Doctrine that NO CANADIAN land will be seized by England or France, that no European weapons will be placed there, that the Monroe Doctrine will stand, and that the United States in order to protect the New World, will begin the process to annex Canada by right of eminent domain, as the Canadian critters have proven they are beyond the ability to reason or make a sound political decision that will not bring nuclear war into North America.

Canada has NO ELECTED LEADER. It is time for America to save America as President Trump said he would.

Apparently Trudeau is supposed to officially step down today (no really this time!) and Mark Carney, his banker friend, is expected to win the nomination to succeed to him at the head of the liberal party. Technically, he’s not going to be Prime Minister until the Governor of Canada, representing Great Britain, officially blesses him on behalf of Charles, which is expected to happen tomorrow or Tuesday. This means that Canada will be leaderless for a few days, which apparently terrifies everyone up there, as it’s everywhere on their televisions. News flash Canada, you’ve been leaderless for years now and you’re irrelevant either way. Ater any new person becomes the Prime Minister, they always have to present a budget to parliament and have all parties agree on it to prevent new elections to be declared. This time, obviously, there will be a disagreement and elections are going to take place in April. The thing is, that Carney guy has been selected by Trudeau to sit on his cabinet and has not been elected by the voters, so he cannot participate in parliament. Hilariously, he will have to sit in the guest rafters, way up there, while someone else introduces his proposed budget. What a clown show, a Prime Minister who is not even allowed to speak, unbelievable.


The other issue that has been raised about Carney, which of course Quebecois make the most noise about, is that he does not speak French. It is a law that both English and French are official languages in Canada, therefore the PM must speak both. Of course there are levels of mastery of languages and this guy mangles French just enough to get by, but not enough to gives coherent speeches in, as he is practically unintelligible. He looks like an odd choice from Liberals then, but since they are going all out of the “Evil Trump and his tariffs just wants to make Canada the 51st state” angle, they are betting on that guy being an “International Banker” (he does not appear to be a Bulanite himself, but he is up to his eyebrows in Goldman Sachs and hilariously has strong New York ties) to convince Canadians that he will be able to handle Trump and make him go away.

It’s hard to have sympathy for Canadians with the 51st state they bristle so much about. Like you mentioned in the blog, Trudeau even went to beg Charles in England to talk to the world so Canada would be taken seriously, but good ol’ Chuck did not do squat. They are so butthurt at the USA that now there is some movement where Quebec wants to form a country with France, because that would make “more sense”. In what world? Quebecois drink tea in the afternoon, have English breakfasts, eat roast beef and have an English style parliament, there’s practically nothing French in the province at all, except of course that language they are so crazy about. Besides, France would sneer at the “retarded cousin”. The media in Quebec is trying to pass Macron as the savior of the world, spending trillions of dollars to protect Europe against Russia by using the nuclear shield, not that the average Quebecois really understands what that means. In Canada, Trump is also accused of apparently “stirring trouble in the Middle East”, as they are preparing to pin any conflict that erupts in Europe/Asia on him. People who really know what is going on cannot facepalm enough.


With all the misinformation that is going in the Canadian media, the Liberal party has everyone scared that they will lose their jobs and all their pollical adds on TV state that utter destruction of the country will ensue if any other party than theirs is elected. They are dooming hard and sadly, it seems that Canadians are buying it, at least some of them. Trump is painted as the devil trying to eliminate the country and its inhabitants, no less. Of course, as we know very well during our last elections, polls can be made to say anything, but the media is now saying that despite all the crazy stuff going on, the liberals will again win the election in April with this drab banker who does not even speak French. That is propaganda at its highest. Of course Quebec will be in the fun place they deserve, having to vote for their precious Liberals even if their leader is a filthy English speaker. I predict a lot will stay home. In the polls for the federal election, they are also trying to show that the neo-democrat party and the Quebec party are also losing lots of votes and that they are basically being cannibalized by the Liberals, because they are trying to prevent votes wasted in fringe parties that are at the advantage of the Conservatives. Tv claims that “no one likes Polievre” and that he cannot get elected, painting him as a Trump duplicate and again doing fearmongering, claiming that he will “sell” the country to the USA. If only Canada was that lucky, they would have a chance at a real leader, that guy is so very center he straddles the Equator.

It is past the point of Canadians standing up and flying thee American Flag. It is the time for America to plan the Flag of a Constitutional People on Canada, and save America from foreign intrigue.

The New Dictator declared war on America, inside of America in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, just as the plot to steal the election from President Donald Trump was being initiated.

On August 23, 2019, Carney delivered a speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's 2019 annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium entitled "The Growing Challenges for Monetary Policy in the current International Monetary and Financial System". Carney said that the "widespread use of the US dollar"—the dominant currency pricing—"in trade invoicing, in place of the currency of either the producer or the importer", has had a "destablilizing" effect on the global economy, according to Reuters

Nuff Said


Sunday, March 9, 2025

Give the Crown Prince a Chance


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Now that the Mockingbird American media with the British media are gloating over Iran in reneging from an August offer to talks with the United States, there are absolute realities in this which their Muslim leader has triggered.

Meet you on the other side.

DUBAI, March 8. /TASS/. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, rejected talks with the US, saying Washington doesn’t really care about resolving problems.

"The reason why some unscrupulous governments engage in negotiations is not to resolve problems but to impose their own interests. The Islamic Republic of Iran will certainly fail to live up to their expectations," he said at a meeting with Iranian officials in remarks broadcast by Iran’s SNN television.

The comments were in response to a letter from US President Donald Trump, where he proposed talks on Iran’s nuclear program.

The United States, in this President Trump, after the disaster of Tel Aviv non bombing campaigns in Iran, to keep Tel Aviv from striking Iran, stated that the United States would either gain a treaty with Iran over nuclear weapons or the United States would bomb the Iranian nuclear facilities. That is why Tel Aviv in this leverage has not struck Iran to Tel Aviv's defeat. It is a reality now that the clock is ticking in the United States will strike Iran.

Into this was the President Trump request to Russian President Vladimir Putin to be a mediator in the talks between America and Iran. The Russian Government now has been humiliated by Iran in this Khameini retort to the United States.

“They will be about defense capabilities, about international capabilities of the country,” he said. They will urge Iran “not to do things, not to meet some certain people, not to go to a certain place, not to produce some items, your missile range should not be more than a certain distance. Is it possible for anybody to accept these?”

The Lame Cherry believes that Iran has nuclear weapons. It is at this point like Japan in having all the parts, but have not put into the bomb the nuclear material, which is sitting formed in vaults. This is what is behind the Iranian position, along with the Iranian terrorists which Obama Biden allowed into the Unites States for a 5th column operation.

The Lame Cherry supported the President Trump position as it is in America's interest. It was of value to have President Vladimir Putin as mediator. What Khameini has engaged in, is Persian Coy, the Iranians are demanding that America first drop the sanctions, and then they might talk with the Great Satan. I do not support this type of blackmail, whether it is a Jew like Zellinskyy in Kiev or a turban head in Tehran.

This is now a point of national honor. Just as what England and France are engaged in, in fucking around with the Gaza deal to humiliate America, Iran can not be left to playing coy as they have since Jimmy Carter fucked all of this up in not wiping out this British Islamic revolution to retain the Shah at all costs.

Sanctions against Iran will not work. Russia and China are now both involved in Iran.

We would not be in this position if Barack Hussein Obama, when the people rose up against the turban heads, had not turned over to the Tehran regime all the social media accounts, as all those people were murdered, jailed, tortured and then murdered in prison.

Of all things, the Lame Cherry turned to the writings of the Atlantic Council to gain a perspective on Iran. It will be noted that the AC is not advocating bombing Iran, but a long term solution.

After Obama helped smash the rising up of Iranian people against the turban heads, a women's movement appeared spontaneously, over the murder of an Iranian female activist. This movement has gone silent, but this movement has numbers of Iranian GENS dissatisfied over the abuses of the Tehran regime.

Woman, Life, Freedom movement - Wikipedia

People began their own local groups, prominently "Neighbourhood Youth Alliance of Iran" and the "Covenant" and called others to action. As they came together, the slogan began

This white paper which I do hope Trump Team considers is a viable strategy in the Persian People raising up their own leadership which the world will recognize.

The first process in this, I would hope that President Trump would engage in another phone call with President Vladimir Putin and state that there is a collision coming which we all know between Tehran and Tel Aviv. The United States has agreed to delay this by talks with Iran, but with Iran rejecting Russian mediation, this is now a lit fuse where Tel Aviv is looking to expand the war or demand America bombs the nuclear facilities in Iran.

President Trump would assure the Russian leader that the United States does not want this at all and understands the Russian position. It is then that President Trump would request that Moscow form a policy of support for the Women of Iran. If the United States championed this, it would be suspect, but if this political movement would moderate the turban heads, then all of this conflict would be off the table, as Washington could contain Tel Aviv in the shattered borders it has created. The need is to stop this war from spreading and becoming a world war.

The President would promise not to bomb Iran on conditions of the building of international support for the inclusion of citizens, with their full release from prison.

Voice of America would be a platform for this with Kari Lake championing the Women's Movement. It would be hoped that Russian women would advocate for women's rights too.

If Russia does not agree, then Russia will have explained that the United States will build a coalition for this movement and back it fully.

This movement has called for the Crown Prince to return in leadership. The Lame Cherry agrees with this completely as the women of his family must be at a forefront of this. This needs coordinated leadership outside of Iran.

These have ranged from improving respect and freedom for women, especially stopping their harassment for dress code infractions, to broader efforts to change the regime and even to restore the leadership of the Pahlavi family through former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi.

"My focus right now is on liberating Iran, and I will find any means that I can, without compromising the national interests and independence, with anyone who is willing to give us a hand, whether it is the U.S. or the Saudis or the Israelis or whomever it is.

Iran’s Crown Prince: My country is on the brink of a revolution like that of 1979

A sampling of Iranians in exile reveals broad consensus that he also enjoys support inside

This movement as the AC stated, needs a secure internet network. That is where Elon Musk with an advanced Star Link produces a free internet for Iranians to use, which can not be hacked or shut down on advanced platforms.

I would suggest that the Crown Prince become stock image with his family. His wife is the face of this movement abroad. Yasmine Etemad-Amini 

This means an official visit and recognition to the White House. The Prince is already on literal godfather terms with the royals of Belgium. The British press in MI6 is promoting him.

The Daily Telegraph described the support for Pahlavi as "even critics acknowledge Pahlavi at least has a plan for reform, and a rare degree of public recognition both inside and outside Iran"

This is about platforms. The Prince should appear Saudi Arabia, in Tel Aviv, UAE, Ankara, Cairo, Japan, and have a message crafted for those peoples, and yes the Jews need to be told to "give peace a chance" for Persians to fix this so another world war does not start. Protect this prince, promote this Prince and his wife as the Voice of Iran and beam a daily message of hope to the People and it is a given you are going to have Tehran assassination teams organized as these turban heads will go berserk in having the Crown Prince speaking for Iranians and Iranians embracing him, as much as Peking is going nuts of Taiwan every day.

Mosaad and Turkey coordinated heinously bring down the government of Syria in a short fall with Russia agreeing. The United States should send in this group, not to bomb and assassinate in Iran, but to erode the entire infrastructure so it does not work from oil production to munition manufacture. Syria is a disaster, but both the Turks and Jews want Iran not to be the top dog against them, this unity, agreeing to absolutely support the Crown Prince and a legitimate government elected by the People of Iran, will bring stability to thee entire region.

This is something a number of hands rocking this cradle are already agreed to. Tel Aviv must agree to this policy and America should embark upon it, to give it a chance before bombing takes place, because even Russia will hold the cloaks of those bombing Iran, if women are being raped and slaughtered in Iran by the turban heads cracking down.

Call it Crescent Link, Mr. Musk and let the revolution begin.

Peace with Russia and the Iranian policy without bombing are the two main focal points of United States foreign relations that solve 98% of America's problems.

The voices of the assaulted and raped prisoners who survived the murderous enclave of the Tehran Turbanheads, must be broadcast into Iran via Crescent Link.

Nuff Said
