American troops, come to Italy, I make you nice lasagna.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is not going to label President Donald Trump as a Zionist front man nor any other label, for the reality that I know what is going on, in we were all dead in America just one year ago as our future, and with the mission of this President, we now have a chance to not be wiped out, as there is another agenda at work, as one was at work with President Ronald Reagan, for which he is being smeared for, and had no part of.
I choose to look at the facts of President Trump. Months ago Tel Aviv was in mass holocaust and we had a nuclear war with Russia on two fronts. Now President Trump has President Putin of Russia, as mediator with Iran, knowing what President Trump stated, he would rather have a paper treaty with Iran than bombing Iran. Yes that means to keep Tel Aviv from starting a world war, the United States is now on the hook with Iran, but I trust President Trump as the guy with the finger on the trigger in this along with President Putin, rather than the people in Tel Aviv.
In short, we are getting benefits this time. It is not cookies thrown to us, but it is legitimate benefits. I know that this will all be turned against us as it was with President Ronald Reagan when he left office with Bushite globalism, but I believe Prophecy and know there is a chance that Jesus comes back, and He solves this. I also know that I have chances in a Wormwood hitting that will obliterate the Computerstate control. there is time and there is a reality of a reawakened America which indeed might be organized enough to fight this and not cower as the FBI is being emancipated from being a thug agency.
So I'm not going to bitch about the benefits as I see chances and opportunity when we had none.
I desire to address more on the other side. Meet you there.
Trump Envoy Jokes About Trump's Campaign
Promise to End Ukraine War 'Within 24 Hours'
China Joining Russia Against NATO
Trump - If NATO Countries Don't Pay Fair Share
US Won't Defend Them
Trump considers moving 35,000 US troops
from Germany to Eastern Europe
The five countries quietly stockpiling nukes
amid fears of WW3
Large Scale Military Training For Every
Adult Male In Poland - Turner
Poland to seek access to nuclear weapons
EU Holds Emergency Summit to Threaten Russia,
Sabotage Trump Peace Efforts
If you notice, there is allot of nuclear proliferation taking place and Russophobic hysteria. At the moment, Russia is not including America in this war in Europe. I agree that troops should be pulled from Germany, ALL OF THEM and every nation which is Russophobic now.
What I would offer to the Trump Team as Poland is lusting to glow in the dark, for the United States to define as policy from this point on in Nuclear Nations and Non Nuclear Nations. This is important as America does not want troops on soil which are nuclear targets from Russia and China.
Call them the Aligned Non Nuclear States of Europe, and make it a point that the United States removes itself from Easter Europe. All of this started when Sec. State James Baker promised the Kremlin that America would not advance NATO east if the Soviets got out of East Germany. That is why Russia is upset as they are vulnerable. It is not prudent to have American troops in Eastern Europe as a trip wire as London will make America a target and so will Ukraine in killing Americans and blaming Russia.
The Lame Cherry offers instead that the United States gets out of NORTHERN EUROPE, and transfers it's forces on what would be deemed Non NATO to the South. Italy and Greece should be a base hub, with military missions in Serbia and Hungary, with the understanding of Russia that this zone if they would agree would include Romania and Bulgaria as a BUFFER for the nuclear states of Europe to keep the two sides away from each other.
I do not like this solution even, but the focus should be moving American troops to Italy and Greece and not be in the line of fire of anyone. America should work for an understanding with Russia that as long as Russia stays out of eastern Europe, American will too, and when the intrigue of London and Paris attack Russia, then Moscow bombs western Europe into submission as they are the problem, not the idiot Slavs in the east who only act up from goading from Paris and London.
I would reach the same accords with Russia in the Mideast, and make China agree to hands off. America should have a base structure like before Gulf War I, where the Saudi's had a huge military base built, in case of trouble, but America had only stockpiles there. As I always say, you can't get into a war, if you are not there to fight. Same in Europe and same in the Mideast.
I do not focus on China as that is water as China has been baited like idiots to be out in the ocean where they are vulnerable like Imperial Japan was. Peking are fools and are no real threat to the United States. China starts advancing and Japan will assemble it's nuclear warheads and spread them all over the Pacific Rim and that handles China. If China strikes American metro's, no problem for me as I do not live there.
I'm all for President Trump rolling back China at the Panama Canal. Less flashpoints in the Monroe Doctrines sphere the better. I do not want war with anyone. I know China is dying. It has no resources and it's population is a dead weight. Russia is facing the same eclipse of it's zenith and that is why Mr. Putin is herding the Russians back to his protective sphere. I hope President Trump starts advancing the Saxon Americans, and that means training these critters up north knee bending to King Chuck into being Americans.
Time is on America's side as it is on Russia's side. It will take some time for Europe to collapse from socialist insanity and breed back a hardy race of Saxons.
President Trump in this jumble needs to get America out of harms way as harmful events are coming. There will be a German led axis which must form. Let them become the target and the United States can prosper in peace. America needs a manufacturing base and our best bloodsucking agent to the world economy is the e coin, joined with building thorium plants for electricity which America rents to the world for profit. The industrial nation rapists just have to be slapped upside the head and told to think a new way, that instead of Frank Roosevelt destroying everything, we are instead Yankee traders profiting in peace.
So I pray President Trump is successful in his mission. If being a Zionist gets the Jews off his back, then so be it, as he kept a war with Iran taking place already and is backing America out of Ukraine, and this will all happen, as long as Russia does not flex and think it can obtain an advantage. Russia's advantage is America not being in the way, and America gets out of the way by going South, not East into Europe.
Nuff Said