Sunday, October 22, 2017

HW Bush, not long in this World

 The guys who gave us nuclear Iran, Pakistan and North Korea
All smiles for Lady Gaga who has a thing for Bush

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have not bothered to inquire on this, and am simply making a medical observation based on the above photo. If one studies it closely, you can see the George H. W. Bush loud socks, but if you look at those socks, you can see that they are ballooned and the shoes are bloated.
That means water build up, in HW's heart is not pumping properly, as he is in a wheelchair all the time. When one carries extra fluids, it stresses the entire body already under stress. It can lead to extremities needing amputation, to organ shut down as in kidneys, but in most cases it is heart failure as the heart simply can not deal with this kind of stress, especially at the age that HW is.

Now that cancer agrees with Jimmy Carter, the  Birther left the building in June 2013, Jorge is not eating and getting thin, and Bill Clinton looks in the pink again, now that Hillary Clinton has been banished to a the book tour which is destroying her future, it appears that George H. W. Bush is not that much longer in the world.

Remember in this, that this is with all of the expensive care which you are paying for, and a multi millionaire who can afford anything, and the old boy is puffy in the jowls, is puffy in the feet, and his face is flushed, meaning a heart over worked and he is hot.

The Bush fam should be nicer to President Trump as he will be delivering he eulogy and the Bush's all had hoped it would be Jeb preening over dead daddy's coffin, but it will be Donald Trump, so W should shut up and stop doing Obama sniping in the resistance against the sitting President.

I wonder in the JFK documents there are any references to Grampa Prescott Bush............

Nuff Said

