Saturday, June 6, 2009

"Those" Germans

It would help in all things German if people really understood what "German" meant as there is high and low German and Germans you never knew were Germans who are Anglos and Germans who one calls Germans who are Assyrian exiles.

I have heard enough about blaming the "Germans" and World War II. These Assyrian Germans are the same belligerent, hard working crucifying, skin you alive types they were when they conquered the Israelite northern kingdom when God divorced them first (Judah second) for being sinful.
I have nothing against the modern Germans and would prefer they told the world to stuff it, claim that Austrian Rothschild "Jew" in Adolf Hitler for his accomplishments which benefited Germany and call him a rounder for the bad things and just move on.

The original Germans were the Germani, who were the Cimmerians, who were the Samarians, who were of the lost 10 tribes of Israel in exile. They migrated into the Black Forest region out of Asia in that massive human movement and are the "Germans" the Romans knew when two of their legions were slaughtered by these Israelite Germani.
The Romans shouldn't have felt bad as these scamps which were part of the Amyrgio Scyths as in the American Cimmerians, kicked the stuffing out of Persian, Greek, Indian and Chinese empires wherever they migrated to. Americans have always had the wanderlust and the stamina to conquer giants and to tame wildernesses. It is what God had that people doing for thousands of years.

In that, many people always point to the Queen of England, Elizabeth II as a "German", when she in fact is that group of Anglo Saxons who were part of the Josephite lines of the northern Israelites. That northwest corner of modern Germany was teaming with these peoples and that is why the English and Germans of Hanover were teamed up against the world in the 7 Years War.
We are family and family always breaks along familiar lines of battle.

I dearly love Queen Elizabeth. I would never bow to her, but I love her for the royal line she is, because she has in her something in her family which people just don't quite comprehend.
See God is not a liar. He promised King David that he would never want for a person of his family to ever sit on his throne. By Divine Providence, God when Judah was overthrown by Babylon had Jeremiah the Prophet take the King of Judah's daughter to Ireland where years before a northern Israel Danite line had taken up residence.
She married the Danite prince and started a succession of God appointed overturnings through Ireland, Scotland and England for the Davidic line to be hidden in plain site, preserving the throne that Jesus the Christ will one day return for.
Every Irish, Scottish and English royal has been crowned seated over Jacob's Pillar Stone, the Laifial, the stone of destiny, the same stone which Jacob set up for his pillow when God appeared to him.

America is of that same lineage in being brother to Ephraim of Joseph in the Americans being Manasseh. Ephraim was to hold the crown. Manasseh was to hold the Spiritual and material blessings of being the greatest nation on earth ever, for God to promote His message of salvation.

So as Jesus is a direct descendant of King David, which is why the Bible is such a stickler for making that point, it is an interesting note in history that after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem, many of Jesus family had already migrated in his half brothers and sister into Europe where the northern kingdom had already settled.
This is what that horrid book the DaVinci Code mess up in Tom Hanks and Opie Howard. Jesus never married nor was producing children with Mary Magdalene who was his step mother, by Mary his mother's brother, Joseph of Aramathea. (Jewish law states that when a father dies, the next in line kindred is legally seen as the father. Joseph of Aramethea was Jesus uncle and Mary Magdalene was his aunt, or in this case his legal step mother.
That is why the Pharisees dragged her to Jesus to be judged for adultery they created, because Jesus was the legal judge of her in living or dying.
That is why he wrote the 10 Commandments in the dry soil and convicted all the people trying to get him to stone his own step mother.)

Meanwhile back at the wadi, the relatives of Jesus in his half siblings became the founders of the royal lines of Europe. Jesus knew where the lost tribes were as did all the Jews, because they were still interacting. The Magi for example were Israelites still scattered in the east. That is why they came looking for the King who would be born. Jesus was their prophecy and they were looking to honor their King.
The Diana Spencer line which is the Henry Tudor line is a direct lineage of this line and why Queen Elizabeth was incorporating these royal households back into the Davidic throne which Christ will inherit.

That is one of the great mysteries which is quite chilling in it's awesome story in looking at the royal children with their red sandy hair, which is an absolute calling card of the Israelite peoples from the time the Egyptians were painting hieroglyphics of them in being red, blonde, brown haired with blue and brown eyes, that one is looking at people who are related to Jesus the Christ by his mother Mary who bore other children after Jesus was born.
I have never traced the lines, but it would be interesting if one of the Apostles who was of Jesus family actually fathered the now British or Covenant People Royal line.

So if one is discussing the Germani of Queen Elizabeth II, the Dutch of American Germans who are all Josephite or if one is discussing the Assyrian imports now called Germans, these people are all Semites, because they all came from Noahs' son, Shem, which is where Shemite or Semite peoples come from.
The Germans are heir to the Promise of Christ if they submit and the Americans are the carriers of the Promise of Christ to redeem to the world.

That is one thing which has always amused me is Hitler was looking for the Aryans and he was doing battle with them, while trying to warp the history into it being the Germans, when they are Assyrians.

The Assyrians have a great deal to be proud of in their history and should uphold it and embrace even their savagery, for the expressed purpose, these Germans are going to have enough of this being beat upon for a century and a new Hitler will awaken them again.
The world is going to have Armageddon to pay when that happens as the central European axis is brimming with German Assyrians, Babylonian Italians and those Greeks who learned it all from that most noble tribe the Danites in how to make the world shake under empire.
This axis forms again, and it will, the world is going to be plunged into a path that only Christ's victory at Armageddon will solve it all.

The Germans have been carrying around a weight heaped on them, for almost a hundred years. The Italians still lust for their empire as do the Greeks. Once they throw civilization off and become who they were born to become, the events of the future will take on the form which is prophesied.

Now you won't hear these facts in public, even though the world elite know very well all of the above and have been in a sadistic war to exterminate and mongrelize the people God created to bring about salvation. The Obama benefactors are in the process of usurping God's plan and installing their own illuminate one in the initiation when they get control of Temple Mount.
Barack Obama is part of this plan, although he is too narcissistic to comprehend it's full depths.

That appears to be enough information in what the real elites and the Chosen possess to absorb for now.
What a pity it has come to this, but what a glory it comes to Christ and the day everyone will recognize His whole story.

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